2024 Komori Calendar Wins Silver Prize and Special Jury Prize (Masamitsu Nagashima Award) at 75th National Calendar Exhibition

Jan. 15, 2024

Komori Corporation (Sumida-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Satoshi Mochida) is pleased to announce that Komori has won the Silver Prize in the first category (B-to-B corporate calendar category) and the Special Jury Prize (Masamitsu Nagashima Award) at the 75th National Calendar Exhibition, sponsored by the Japan Federation of Printing Industries.

Calendars are recognized as a form of communication that effectively conveys a company's cultural message and serves as a printing medium that enhances living spaces. The National Calendar Exhibition serves as a prestigious competition acknowledging exceptional achievements in calendar printing technology, meticulous planning, and innovative design. The evaluation criteria encompass not only aesthetic aspects but also the functionality and practicality of the calendars, highlighting their multifaceted role in both communication and the enhancement of living environments.

As a printing press manufacturer, Komori focuses on producing original calendars in order to promote the brand value of paper media. We created this year's calendar around the theme of fusion between nature and technology. The adorable animals that appear in the pictures were graphically designed using photographs of leaves, branches, icebergs, and other features in nature. In keeping with the Komori Group Purpose, "Delivering Kando 'beyond expectations' by contributing to society with print technology," we expressed the beauty of nature with high precision, high color rendering and unique coating embellishment.


Corporation 2024 Calendar Site
