Net Sales by Region


32,275Millions of Yen

North America

8,087Millions of Yen


22,549Millions of Yen

Greater China

17,637Millions of Yen

Other regions

17,362Millions of Yen

Other regions

17,362Millions of Yen

(Unit : Millions of Yen)

2019/03 2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03
Japan 37,444 29,049 29,673 23,988 32,275
North America 8,077 5,891 5,374 7,912 8,087
Europe 15,188 12,304 12,768 20,464 22,549
Greater China 18,226 14,908 13,600 20,776 17,637
Other regions 11,304 15,494 10,408 14,481 17,362
  • The business of the Companies is solely to manufacture, sell and provide services for printing presses and related equipment and parts.
  • Geographical distances are considered in the classification of countries or areas.
  • Main countries or areas included in the above geographic areas:
    North America:
    United States of America, Canada
    Europe, Middle East, and Africa
    Greater China:
    China, Hong Kong, Taiwan
    Other Regions:
    India, Korea, Other Asia, Latin America, and Oceania
     * The overseas sales of security presses are all included in 'Other regions'.


(Millions of Yen)


North America

(Millions of Yen)

North America


(Millions of Yen)


Greater China

(Millions of Yen)

Greater China

Other regions

(Millions of Yen)

Other regions

Trend of Net Sales by Region

(Millions of Yen)

Trend of Net Sales by Region