(1) Basic Policy
Komori Corporation Co., Ltd. ("the Company") will disclose management information such as financial condition and business activity in a fair, impartial, and timely manner to help all stakeholders correctly and deeply understand the Company and properly evaluate its corporate value in accordance with the principles set forth in the "The Komori Group's Code of Corporate Conduct".
(2) Standards for Information Disclosure
The Company will disclose information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Companies Act, and the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (“the Listing Regulations"). Furthermore, the Company seeks to be proactive and fair in the disclosure of information, not necessarily required by the Listing Regulations but which the Company should disclose shareholders and investors.
(3) Methods of Information Disclosure
The Company will disclose information regarding material facts specified by the Listing Regulations, etc. in accordance with the regulations through the Timely Disclosure Information Transmission System (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and will promptly provide it on the Company's IR website to widely inform it. Furthermore, the Company will promptly announce information that is considered to affect investment decisions in an appropriate manner depending on its importance and urgency even if information is not subject to the Listing Regulations, etc.
(4) Quiet Period
To prevent the leakage of financial information and ensure fairness, the Company will, in principle, sets up a quiet period from two weeks prior to the closing day of each fiscal period to the day the financial results are announced. During this period, the Company refrains from commenting or answering questions regarding the financial results or business outlook. However, in the event if it is clear during this period that financial results are expected to be far from previous projections, the Company will announce it according to the Listing Regulations.
(5) Forward-Looking Statements
The disclosure of information constitutes forward-looking statements which are based on assumptions formed with information available at the time of disclosure. Such statements involve elements of various subsequent risks, uncertainties, and other factors. Depending on the case, actual results will change from forward-looking statements.